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Fun With Wire Forms



Untwist materials completely. Start at one end of the wire form. Fold an end piece of material over the wire and glue in the back. Begin wrapping the material around the wire form as shown. Overlap at least 1″ with each wrap and make sure material is wrapped tightly. (NOTE: when going around corners you will need to fold some of the material towards the back and glue.) When you have completely wrapped wire, cut off excess materials and glue end to the back. Add a bow. Instructions listed below.


5 yards “Am-Twist” Metallic Twist
1 yard “Am-Twist” contrast color
14″ x 17-1/2″ double rail bell (wire form)
lo temp glue gun
floral wireLayered Bow

Use the 1 yard of contrast color. Untwist material. Leaving a 3″ tail, make a 3″ loop on each side of your hand. Next, make a 2″ loop on each side, laying them on top of the first loops. While holding the middle of the bow, make a small center loop. Using the floral wire, secure the bow in the middle by putting the wire through the small loop and tightening it in the back. Bring the remaining material down as a tail.


14 yards “Am-Twist” Metallic Twist (any color)
14 yards “Am-Twist” Iridescent Twist (any color)
17-1/2″ x 24-1/2″ double rail cross wire form
lo temp glue gun
floral wire

When making the cross, first cover the form with the metallic twist. Then go over twist completely with iridescent twist. Using 5 yards of each twist (iridescent on top of metallic) make a puffy bow the same way as the bow on the Candy Cane (above), only make 8 loops on each side. Wire onto cross in the middle


5 yards “Am-twist” red metallic Twist
2-1/2 yards “Am-Twist” Gold Matallic Twist
2-1/2 yards “Am-Twist” Green Metallic Twist
9″ X 27″ candy cane wire form
lo temp glue gun
floral wire



Use the 2-1/2 yards green metallic material, untwist. Leave a few inches for the tail, then make a 4″ loop on oen side of your hand. Twist the material in the middle and make another 4″ loop on the other aide. continue to make loops and twist material in the middle until you have 4 loops on each side. Make a center loop and string a piece of wire through it. Twist wire in the back of bow to secure it. Trim tails so they are even.